New Year's Resolutions
(in Bridget Jones's style)
- quit eating chocolate between meals
- lose those extra kilos
- go do any type of physical activity other than running to catch the bus
- study German and Russian seriously
- stop falling in love with Daniel-Cleaver-type of guys
- stop giving into temptation everytime I go to a bookshop
- save up enough money to travel
- hand in my translations for Farrés on time
- learn to walk properly on high heels and not break a leg
- take certain things -and people- less seriously
- take certain other things -and maybe even people- more seriously
- change my repertoire of CDs for the car
- keep my room tidy for at least one week (in which I'm supposed to be living in the room: this doesn't apply to days I'm away)
- write and draw more
- go to the movies more often, or at least watch the DVDs we have at home
- finish my degree without getting my psychological health damaged in the process
- find a new aim for after my graduation
Bon any nou!
¡Feliz año nuevo!
Happy new year!
Bonne année!
Gutes neues Jahr!
с новий годом!
¡Feliz año nuevo!
Happy new year!
Bonne année!
Gutes neues Jahr!
с новий годом!
